Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Game of Thrones

Ok, so I'm not that sharp when it comes to plumbing. After exhaustive research online, it became obvious that the preferred method for removing the factory plug in the toilet flange was to hit it with a hammer. No simply bust it outta there with a hammer. If that doesn't work, get a bigger hammer... Apparently, not a time for subtlety! So, the problem solved, we mounted the "throne" in all its glory and stood back to admire our work. We saw that it was good. Ok, lots to do.... moving on.

I couldn't put it off any longer. I had to figure out the wiring for the inverter and E-panel. When I had first looked at all the wires and bus bars, it totally freaked me out. I was already very familiar with all this technology from my time living on boats. At least, that's what I thought. Having said that, it actually didn't take me too long to figure it all out. I had to take it one section at a time, trace it all the way through and BAZINGA! I managed to get it all wired and had no left over parts (always my gauge as to how well the project went!).  I had emailed Hiltz at Energy Alternatives to discuss my grounding questions, and as usual, received an elegant easy-to-read instruction set. On his advice I have hired the guys at Riverside Energy Systems to come out and check my work and help me with the ground rod/plate installation. I have learned that sometimes it's just best to hire the experts! He comes on Friday morning.

Jayson has been busy with the water system. He recently completed the work at the actual well, and has trenched down to the house for the water pipes. Today he was excavating and installing the 1,500 gallon cistern that will hold the domestic water from the well. It has been designed so that the well will supply water by gravity feed to the cistern until it reaches a certain level, at which point it will close the valve and the water will stop. We have a pump that will supply water from the cistern and pressurize the plumbing fixtures in the house, just like the water in your taps in the City. That will save us from having to throw a bucket attached to a rope into the well and then manually "feeding" the toilet, so it will flush. Wow, all the modern conveniences!!

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