Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We are "GO" for drywall

Jason Tomlin from TNRD was up yesterday to do our "Insulation and Vapour Barrier" inspection. Carol and I were on our way to Vernon to pick up our friend, Reen, so we couldn't be there. Alex was good enough to hang around while Jason looked at our efforts.
    "You guys obviously know what you're doing", was his comment to Alex. Yay! The only other thing he wrote was to re-iterate that we MUST have 6'5" of clearance minimum on our staircases to pass our final inspection. That final inspection is one of only two remaining now, including the electrical final. It's like sitting exams in school - kind of nerve racking.
We are driving Reen back to Kelowna this afternoon and will be having dinner with them (Reen, Chris and Lorraine) before trekking home later in the evening. Of course, after two perfect travel weather days, today is overcast and snowing. :(

Assume the position, ladies!
Bruce and his drywalling crew are scheduled to start tomorrow but we haven't seen him up at the house yet to do his final measurements before ordering all the wall board, so who knows when they'll get started.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Odds and ends

Erich, the electrical inspector for the BC Safety Authority finally made it up here on Thursday, last week (Feb. 9). For the most part, the inspection went well - we can go ahead and cover the basement wiring. He was quite interested in the electrical supply system (solar PV, generator, batteries, etc.) and was critical of some of the design issues and has ordered us to make some changes. We called our friend Paul, at Riverside Energy to come and help us out with some of the required modifications. Paul has been up and seen our setup before and after discussing it with his partner, Ben, he called me to say that our setup already incorporated the "cutoffs" that Erich wanted us to install. Ben is an electrical engineer with many years experience with these kind of systems, so I'll let him talk to Erich and see if they can come to a consensus.
In the meantime, we are concentrating on getting ready for drywall. With the electrical inspection out of the way, we swung into "insulation" mode. Alex and I managed to get almost all the fluffy pink fibreglass batts in place by late Saturday and by Sunday afternoon I had the vapour barrier all up, except for an 8 foot chunk across the front and the little crawl space under the landing, half way down the stairs. I still have to apply most of the tuck tape over the staple holes and seams, but it's looking good.
This morning (Monday) I am going to call Bruce Gooch at All Drywall Contracting here in Kamloops. He had quoted doing all the wall board for us and we're giving him the job. He said that he should be able to start within a couple of weeks of our giving him to go ahead. He estimates a little under two weeks start to finish so we might have finished drywall by the middle of March! Here's hoping.
We're going shopping for plain vanilla light fixtures for the  basement today or tomorrow. That's not very exciting, but it IS progress!