Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Soffits are done...finally!

Yes, that piece of news is VERY good! The dreaded soffits are finished. Moving on....
I have been lax keeping up the posts recently due to the fact that I'm really busy! Work has been feast or famine but quite hectic as everyone seems to want everything immediately when they do actually send us some work. I go in and try to clear up anything that requires my attention, and then head out to the various suppliers and pick up whatever widget(s) I need for the day. I go to the new house, work for a few hours, and then return to our place in Knutsford to eat and sleep. Working by yourself, things seem to take a long time to accomplish and I have to try and focus on one task at a time. My mind is going a thousand miles an hour worrying about the dozens of things I need to do to finish the house and I sometimes get caught zooming from one task to another and getting nothing done!  
Oh, and the house survived the lightning storm just fine. Some neighbours had gone up in a water truck and controlled the fire until the Forestry Service guys got there and put it out. The Forestry guys were back the next morning to put out a second fire close to the location of the first one. Thanks, guys! We have a new appreciation for the work you do!
I am spending most of my time working on the house electrical rough-in now. We have pulled almost all of the wire and mounted the switch and fixture boxes. Splicing all the wires in those boxes is a bigger job than I estimated (that seems to be a theme here, don't you think?). Anyway, it is progressing well and I should be ready for at least a partial inspection tomorrow.
Bob, the builder, was up to take care of the issues the final framing inspection had brought to light - nothing too serious, but necessary before we can insulate and install the vapour barrier. He has rented out his beautiful log home a few clicks down the road from us, and moved into a house he owns in town.

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