We have moved out of the house for a few days while Chris finishes up the drywall mudding, taping and sanding. They were supposed to be finished last Friday, but circumstances ganged up and Chris was left with no helpers and his boss out of town. That meant he was trying to do 4 jobs on his own. Something had to give, and our muddy driveway helped him choose to work someplace else for 3 out of the 5 days last week. Not a real problem for us, but certainly an inconvenience as we have everything piled in the centre of all the rooms so they can work around us. I guess it will be one more week...
On a happier note, we have been able to install the electric floor heating mat and tiles in the downstairs bathroom. We put down some orange Ditra membrane to isolate the tiles from the wood floor, a self levelling mortar bed and the electrically heated mat. Then came the layer of thin set mortar and the tiles themselves. We have yet to grout it but the hard work has been done. That leaves final coats of paint and reinstall the toilet and sink vanity and then that room is done!
We are finally getting some warmer weather up at our place. That is melting the snow and ice (we've got lots to get rid of!) but has the side effect of turning our driveway into a rut filled river of mud that freezes solid every night. Our poor car does not go well in the deep mud so we have taken to the truck for transportation. Hopefully, the melting will progress far enough that it will start to dry up soon.
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