Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Logging Pics

I'm amazed at how quickly the loggers can make the trees disappear. I suppose that I shouldn't be too surprised - they did tell us that they would take between 2 and 3 weeks to log off the quarter section of Crown land that our driveway runs through. This is an area 1/2 mile squared (almost a kilometre square!). It has only been a few days and enormous tracts of forest have disappeared, replaced by neatly stacked piles of logs, ready for transport.
Emotionally, I am more upset about it than I thought I would be. It's very sad to see those beautiful trees reduced to something represented only by a line on a spreadsheet of some enormous company, yet leaves the local wildlife with less of the precious habitat they need to survive and thrive.
Anyway, I rationalize everything by remembering that it's not my call, and on the other hand, I'm happy that this will leave our road in better condition.
The photos don't do justice to the enormity of the change in the landscape. Keep in mind that all these images were thick, dark forests only a week ago. New sight lines have already allowed the sun to shine in places it has been unable to reach for many years.
It will be interesting to see the landscape again in even just a few more weeks. To their credit, the loggers are leaving many trees - those too big or too small to be economically harvested in this manner. Sadly, a lot of the very small ones get destroyed just the same, collateral damage under the relentless march of the giant machines as they harvest their larger brethren.

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