Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Framing moving along quickly

After seeing the progress last weekend, we thought that we had better start getting up to the new place more often. Things are starting to move quickly now.
As you can tell from the pictures, it was NOT a very nice day. We had received quite a deluge on Tuesday night before we went to bed and as per the norm this year, everything was soggy in the morning.

[an aside: since moving to Kamloops, everyone keeps telling us how the weather is "so strange" and "not normal". Well lately we've come to accept that everyone must be lying to us! The weather this year has been anything but conducive to building up high in the hills!]

Anyway, we put the little Suzuki into all wheel drive and slogged up Robbins Range Road and then through the Crown Land and finally, up Sinclair Road to the building site. The view as we crested the final hill was very exciting. The front of the house had the "prow shaped" framing up and the second floor was up and sheathed. Wow, it looked amazing! Talking to the framing supervisor, Carl, we found out that they he was expecting to be finished by the end of next week! OMG, we'd better get busy and get the solar stuff out here so they can put it on the roof for us. Lots for us to do now...

1 comment:

  1. Framing is fast... everything else takes forever!

    Looking good though!
